The Feathertop Alpine Experience

“Mountains know secrets we need to learn.”

– Tyler Knott

Mountains are such great metaphors for inspiration.

This Alpine experience is a breathtaking and user friendly opportunity to better acquaint yourself to the magic of the mountains.

It is a small journey that starts from the beautiful Alpine vista of Razorback ridge and strolls out towards Victoria’s second highest peak:


Regarded as one of Victoria’s classic and most spectacular bushwalks


– Stunning scenery from the top of the world –

– Alpine ecology and wildflowers –

– abundance of well established beautiful camping sites –

– historic huts of the high country –

– solo’s and personal reflection activities –

– nature sits and bird language –

– optional final bush dance and celebration at nearby accommodation –



Our philosophy at Wild Exposure is all about

‘slowing down’

and making ‘Time’ to simply



This is not a boot camp.

We don’t aim to just survive. We aim to



Students learn that the Mountains are a source of inspiration and splendour and not something to be scared of.


Nature Connection

How is this achieved?

– comfortable and achievable walking distances –

– scheduled time for chill out and reflective & interactive experiences –

– good quality equipment –

– qualified staff who can hold space for such an experience –



In today’s challenging world, more than ever we need to provide our students with truely connecting experiences.

Experiences that not only helps them to achieve growth and contentness,

but also help arm them with a skillset that has them ready for the challenges that lay ahead.


Please get in touch with us and we can discuss further details!

Wild Exposure staff 🙂


Retreating to natural places to sift through or absorb our thoughts and feelings is

– –


– –

 for our mental health


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