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Outdoor Education EBook of Tricks


A comprehensive compilation of

outdoor activities, initiatives, icebreakers and readings

to help inspire your outdoor education program and activities!

375 pages!


Wild Exposure is proud to have launched an



smart phone APP

that hopefully provides a valuable resource to all staff working in the Outdoor and teaching Industry!

NOTE: APP is currently under re-writing/ seeking funding – so it may be unavailable for a little while.

Outdoor Education EBook of Tricks

Outdoor Education Ed APPbag of Tricks


Outdoor Education EBook of Tricks | Wild Exposure Inc

      Outdoor Education EBook of Tricks | Wild Exposure Inc

$25 + GST

(if above link fails – click here

OR contact us and we can email it through to you)

What is the O.Ed Bag of Tricks all about?

For years, many of us Outdoor Educators and Outdoor Guides have shared our ideas and creativity on different ways to better educate and inspire today’s society and youth. Our desire was to pool these great resources into one simple resource, tailored to all staff working in the great outdoors. A simple yet purposeful resource at your fingertips. With the explosion of EBooks and APP’s with their practicality, efficiency and mobility – we knew we had to seize upon the function-ability of modern smartphones. 

Well, after years of toiling, collecting and creating, the

‘Outdoor Ed EBag of Tricks’


‘Outdoor Ed APPbag of Tricks’ 

are born!

Outdoor Education EBook of Tricks | Wild Exposure IncBoth resources contain a wide range of topics and activities including: Icebreakers, program themes & briefs, readings, quotes, initiatives, solo activities, campfire and fun games, environmental activities, canoe games, thought provoking activities, Aboriginal learning’s, gear checklists, program debriefs, bushfire safety, connection to nature readings & quotes, motivational words & inspiring words (from explorers, adventurers and environmentalists) & more. 



Outdoor Education Ebook - Initiatives, activities and Games


Outdoor Education Ebook - Initiatives, activities and Games


This short video provides a great snapshot of the content

(this video shows the APP version) 

Outdoor Education EBook of Tricks | Wild Exposure Inc


Both the EBook and the APP incorporates a quick navigation menu system that enables you to get to the section you desire with a click or two.

The EBook works with all EBook readers and phones we tested. Furthermore, with particular e-readers, the EBook also has ‘text to voice’ option to provide an audio book experience! 

The APP works on both APPLE and ANDROID phones. that we tested. The APP is content based ‘native’ APP which means that it will operate without requiring internet access, hence appropriate for wherever you venture outdoors. We have focused on providing (what we believe to be) quality content (with pictures and drawings) in preference of quantity of content so as to not overburden the whole APP.

Our desire is to have both resources as a growing resource that all outdoor staff can contribute to, be a part of & take ownership of. In doing so, hopefully we can become more of a collective and a collaborative industry.


Outdoor Education EBook of Tricks | Wild Exposure Inc


      Outdoor Education EBook of Tricks | Wild Exposure Inc

$25 + GST

(if above link fails – click here)

NOTE: APP is currently under re-writing/ seeking funding.

We will update this page when it becomes available

~$8.99/9.99 ($Australian dollars)




NOTE: This APP (when available) has been developed by passionate Outdoor staff as a personal venture & is not subsidized and therefore $8.99 just covers the APP store fee’s and hosting costs. Please support us!

Outdoor Education EBook of Tricks | Wild Exposure Inc


All the best, stay posted & we’ll catch you in the Great Outdoors….

 Wild Exposure Staff


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